Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tatting: Back to Designing part II

Here is another peak at what I am working on. It is the same design in different colors this time. Another clue is that I am working with size 80 thread. It is something I have never tried to design before. I am still experimenting with stitch counts right now, but I think I am almost there.

Also I have been tagged twice for the "You make my Day award". Thank you so much Gina and Diane! Your blogs are among my very favorites as well!
As far as I am concerned, I could not possibly narrow down my favorite blogs to only 10 so I feel I must opt out of this particular tag.

I have grown to love the tatting community! What a great bunch of people we have scattered around the world. It is so neat that the internet has united us in our similar goals and interests. It is the highlight of my day to peruse what you are all up to!

I will keep you posted on this new design. Also, my new thread finally arrived so I will be dying a few more batches this week.


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

It is hard to narrow the list to ten! Mine was short because I just didn't have the stamina to write/link any more! Can't wait to see your new threads!

Tattycat said...

This design looks so pretty. I love the colors today!

Marilee Rockley said...

I can't imagine what it might be...a bookmark, a heart...whatever it is, it's lookin' good so far!