Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tatting Bees


Ever since I saw these at the Shuttlebirds convention last year I have wanted to make one. And wouldn't you know it, it is one of the projects in the T.A.T program. Isn't this little tatting bee cute? As of today I have completed all the projects in the Artisan packet and I will be mailing it off and keeping my fingers crossed that I will pass inspection. I highly reccomend this program to anyone who wants to greatly improve their tatting. My own tatting skills are growing leaps and bounds and I am thrilled.


Unknown said...

Hi Sherry, I am sure that you will do well with the T.A.T. project. Congratulations on finishing it and the bee is really cute.

Tattycat said...

The little bee is darling. Congratulations on completing this part of your class. I just know you will pass!

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I love the bee!

Shell said...

too cute!!