Monday, August 25, 2008

4 alarm fire in my neighborhood


I was just informed that my neighborhood in Boise is on fire. It's a very serious 4-alarm fire. My house is not burning as of yet but according to what I can see on the news it is very close to my home.
Please pray for no one to get hurt and for our home to be spared.


zarina said...

Oh my god! That is so scary but in a way you are not there. But if you were to lose the home in Boise - there are no words to describe that. My prayers all for you and your loved ones in Boise.

Grizzly Mountain Arts said...

Oh no! This is my worst fear! I just looked at that news feed and it really looks bad. I pray that the fire crews are able to get it under control before any more homes are lost!

rainbows and raindrops said...

oh dear. hope all turns out well. /hug

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

Our street is directly below the ridge that is on fire. All of our neighbors have evacuated. The news mentioned that our homes should be safe. Whew.....keeping my fingers crossed that the winds don't pick up again.

Jane Eborall said...

Oh, heck. I hope your home is safe but it's good to know that you are safe. I'll keep all fingers crossed that it survives.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that it sounds that your house is going to be okay. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to.

Yorkie Sue's Tatting said...

Sherry - this is awful. Know that you and your home are in me thoughts... Loves yer, Sue the purple one :-)

Gina said...

Good to hear it's likely not to be harmed. Hope you are getting your energy back too.

:-) Gina

Tattycat said...

Of course you have my prayers. I do hope all will be well. Take care and let me know.