If you read my blog through "bloglines" or a similar program where you can only read the text and if you are not visiting my actual blog page you may not be able to access the TIAS links.
Please visit my blog page at http://ladyshuttlemaker.blogspot.com/ and you will see the links located in the side bar directly to the right. Yep right next to that big arrow..uh huh...right under the TIAS sign...that's it! You got it!
The links will remain there for anyone who wants to tat this challenge at anytime.
Oh...and if you have decided to pass on this T.I.A.S because there is block tatting involved please reconsider. If you can tat a split ring you can block tat! Yesiree it is THAT simple!
Three cheers for trying something new...Hip Hip Hurray..
Fabulous! I just printed off day 2. Was that there yesterday??? I checked your site about 5 times (no joke) looking for the day 2 instructions! LOL!
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