Introducing "Coral Rose"
Very soon a lot of new hand dyed tatting thread will be added to the shop.
My DH has been helping me wind skeins to gear up for the coming holiday season. Bless him!
This week has been very challenging for me health wise. I don't want to go into all the boring details but let's just say that anything I accomplish lately is a miracle.
Feeling this yucky just sucks the "funny" right out of me. I don't really care to blog when I have no funny left.
I think I am allergic to Korea.
I feel so bad for you... I hate feeling yucky! Your new color is beautiful... can't wait to see what else you've created!
Wishing you many feel-good days ahead.
:-) Gina
Hope you feel better soon, and then stay well! Your "Coral Rose" is lovely!
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You may very well be allergic to Korea, like you said! Your new color is beautiful! I totally understand about not wanting to blog when you don't have any "funny" left in you. Sometimes I've felt that way, too!
What are we going to do? We can't have you feeling so bad for so long. When the funny is gone, it's hard to do much of anything. Extra prayers for you to feel better. The coral is lovely and I'm excited to see the other new ones. Tell DH thanks from all of us!
Hope you feel better soon. You do seem to be having a hard time of it in Korea. Sending positive karma your way.
Lovely HDT, as always. Sorry you're feeling so icky. I hope you feel better soon and get your funny back. I always look forward to your posts.
Thanks for TIAS #4, too! You've inspired me to NOT be afraid of learning the block tatting technique. I'm starting Day 4 now.
Oh dear you must be counting the days 'till you go home. I had such high hopes that Korea would be exciting for you. Coral Rose is beautiful. Cheer up.
I really hope you'll be well again very soon. Take care over there in Korea.
Ohhhhh, we no like yucky. You probably are allergic....your body is to pure to handle the pollution overload. I get that too. My body can sense a volatile organic compound a mile away. Just think of it as you body is much more high evoled. It is a good thing. Glass is half full. When I get like that I don't blog either....these damm genes of ours!! I want my money back!!
Oh and email your shipping address..
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