There seems to be a lot of interest in the variegated threads that have slower more gradual color changes.
So I gave this method a go with the hand dyed tatting thread called "Vickie's Lilacs".
Let me tell you, this method takes twice as much work and time as the regular way I dye, so I am undetermined whether or not this will be a profitable venture.
I guess time will tell...perhaps I'll save this type of dyeing for custom orders.
Anyhow the color changes are 3 times the length of my regular HDT's resulting in a much more gradual transition in color change as the thread is worked up.
This new thread is listed in the shop.
You amaze me! You've been ill with a virus, and you're still challenging yourself to try new dyeing techniques! This looks beautiful!
Love the colour Sherry and just my opinion but I prefer the regular colour change.
I'd love to see a tatted sample of the thread. Like Clyde, I think I prefer the regular color changes, but I haven't tried the slow yet.
I think it looks very pretty.
It is so lovely, I am truly in love with the lilac... it throws up each color distinctly.
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