By the time we reached Seoul it was late at night and we came home to a broken down vehicle. So the hassle of all that has put us an extra day behind. But that's o.k.
We had a terrific time with highlights and lowpoints. The most important thing is that we both feel much refreshed. However, just near the end we both became sick with the "Chinese crud" (and just when I was feeling better from the "Korean crud")...I swear after this year is finished I better have a bombproof immune system.
I am positive and my creative juices are flowing and I am excited to share all of it with you my friends.
I've got to admit that "unplugging" from the computer was just the right thing to do, even though it was difficult, it has made me appreciate my Internet friends even more.
I certainly have missed you all! Thank you all for the awesome comments, I certainly feel loved! It's going to take another week to get caught up.
I hope to reply to everyone...but please be patient with me.
Now I must go to sleep. It's been a crazy day!
I will leave you with this:

Tatting...on The Great Wall of China! How tatally cool is that!! Yes, I said "tat"ally cool, I know it's corny, but I don't care, LOL! What a cool pic, thanks for sharing.
Welcome back. Is that YOU TATTING on the GREAT WALL OF CHINA....that must be a first!!
Welcome home to Korea. Oh for the day when I can say welcome home to America! I really missed you. Get some rest and respond to emails as you can. We will be patient. The picture of you tatting on the Great Wall is fabulous. I wonder if you are the first to do that? I bet you are!
K fine I will stalk you on this site! I need some sister time. I'm feeling neglected here!!
Welcome back!! Tatting at the Great Wall of China. I bet no one has done that before. Sherry, did you see any fellow tatters? Did passers-by stare at you and were curious to what you were doing? Do tell!
Shoot - there are others who are much faster than me.
Welcome back Sherry! I am glad you could take a break; I think you very much deserved one. I sure hope it was a fun trip.
Looks like you couldn’t part from tatting even in the Forbidden City! Well I guess that’s what tatting does to you.
Glad to have you back.
Welcome back, Sherry! It was fun to get blog posts while you were gone, but it was even more fun to wake up this morning and find comments from you! I love the picture! I hope to visit the Great Wall some day. If I do, I'll be sure to take my tatting like you did!
Welcome back, Sherry! What a great photo! That's one of the places on my "list". I'm so glad you had a great time :)
It looks like the air was clear up there :)
Welcome back, Sherry.
Tatting on the Great Wall! Are you planning to start classes in China next?
Now that you are back, are you thinking of HDTs in shades of terracota?
I did a lot of tatting in China. Got a lot of stares but only one Chinese gal spoke enough English for us to have a conversation about it. I left her with a list of websites so that she could look it up.
The measures that Beijing took to clean up the pollution worked so well that they started it up again on the Monday that we arrived. They took 800,000 cars off the road by Wednesday it was clear and beautiful...we couldn't ask for anything more.
Jon, I do have some inpiration photos that I took that may turn into HDT....
This pic is WAY cool! I love it!
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