This here is a pattern I designed and will be one of many new patterns featured in "The Exquisite Collection of Tatted Butterflies II". It also happens to be my new stamp...so Whoo hoo! Hye-Soon made it for me before I left Korea.
I have decided to test this twitter thingy out. Not exactly sure how all of it works. You can see what I am up to on my sidebar...it's like real time information on what I am doing. Kinda like a reality show but in text form.
If it is something that I like and isn't too much trouble I may keep it...but if it gets annoying or no one really cares what I am doing then I'll chuck it. One of these days when I get a cell phone I guess I can make updates right from the phone so my life can be like an all day running commentary. The thought of it sounds kinda boring but we'll see how it goes.
Ha Ha I have twitter but so confused I gave up on it... That photo is it perhaps a new design you are working on... If not can I snag the picture to mess with myself???? Its really neat. Thanks for your comment on my blog today :)
I have done the Twitter thing yet, I'm afraid that's all I'd be doing or I'd never do it,one or the other. I'll watch yours on the sidebar and think about it some more.
Is that a pattern your working on at the top?
Yes that is a pattern that I have designed. It took first place in its category at Shuttlebirds this year. It is one of many new patterns that will be in my second butterfly book.
Your stamp is way cool! COme and find me on Twitter! Same name "TattingChic". I'm enjoying it.
Great to hear that you and your doggie are so happy to be home!
Your butterfly is super. I'll curiously watch your twitter test for a bit - I am thinking that I just don't have time for twittering, since I already am not keeping up with life as it is, but we'll see.
I can't help but wish you had been twittering the other day... because did you say STITCHES!! in your last post?
My husband and I put down a floating wood floor in one of the kids rooms a couple years ago. Love it - but wow, it was a lot of work. Cutting the boards and all the up and down. I admire your fortitude in doing it solo. SALUTE!
And very pretty pattern!
NICE! see you on Twitter, even though i hardly have time to go there...
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