Hi Friends,
I have been saving, collecting and creating gifts to giveaway for the last six months. I have a MONDO stash of stuff to share. I am doing this because I want to give back and bless all who have given to me. The tatting community has been my rock these last two years. For those who follow my blog know that I have had many ups and downs...(more downs than ups) and you all have really helped me and encouraged me all along.
Sooooo without much more ado here are the rules: (easy peasy)
Every Monday I will list a new prize to be given away the following Sunday. Each weekly contest will close Saturday at Midnight Mountain Time.
For every 25 entries an additional prize will be added...so the more entries...the more winners...get it?
All you have to do to enter is post a comment on my blog.
(You do not have to have a blog to win. Just make sure I have a way to get hold of you if you do win. This is open to international friends as well.)
However, if you do have a blog and you post a comment and do one of the following you will be entered twice.
1) add my blog to your blog roll
2) and/or "follow me"
3) and/or post about my giveaways
Every week the contest will re-set so there will be many many chances to win some really cool stuff....and remember the more who enter each week the more winners there will be. You can win more than once by entering every week.
Please feel free to use the banner at the top to post on your blogs.
This weekly giveaway will continue until I run out of prizes.
What are the prizes???? Let's see, I have mountains of thread and skeins of HDT (hand dyed thread), my handmade ceramic shuttles, pottery with tatting designs, original tatting books, tatted lace, thread holders, beads and buttons, original watercolor paintings, some treasures I picked up in Korea and many other misc. items.
Contest opens Monday Sept 14th and will continue weekly until prizes run out.
Here is a teaser for next week's giveaway.
All are welcome to join in on the weekly giveaway.
I'd love to see non-tatters exposed to the wonderful world of tatting, so please help spread the news.
Of course I love comments just as much as the next person.
However, commenting on this post will not enter you in the contest.
You will need to come back Monday to comment on the prize blog....and then visit and comment every week on the contests you wish to enter.
Sound good?

i would love to win one of your prizes. your hdt's are wonderful but any prize would be much appreciated.
shirley b.
You got it Shirley! Just be sure to come back each Monday to leave comments on the "Monday Modo Giveaway" posts. Best of luck to you!
Wow, you are a generous soul, Sherry! I've posted your banner on my blog side-rail and written a little post about it. I bet all 3 people who read my blog -- wait, make that 2, my sister doesn't tat -- will head over here to enter your drawing next week (and every week after). Of course, they'll have to wait in line -- me first!
Hey Sherry, this is awsome, by the way, you have been on my blog roll for many, many months, you are one of the important ones that I make sure I read.
Hee hee Marty and Jeanne, it looks like you both will have two entries every week...You go girls!
Marty...you know you have a lot more readers than that LOL!
Way to go, Sherry - what an awesome giveaway!
What a cool blog and what a nice giveaway! I'm adding you to my blog list right now!
This is so fun!! :)
I"m putting you on my blog.. But I just started it so I'm not sure it will help too much with traffic :(
Anyway.. Love your blog!
Hi Sherry, You sure know how to motivate a gal! I've been planning to catch up in blogland for a while now and figure out the "following" business. I think I got it.
Wow. This is exciting. Gives everyone something to look forward to.
Elizabeth (no blog)
Mobile, Al.
LeVert92 at AOL.com
Fun! : )) Fox
I did learn how to add a blog list got your on it. Now I am going to try and add you banner.
You've been my inspiration for almost three years... I can't wait to see how many new tatters emerge from your newest venture! You know you're on my blog roll already!
Hi, Sherry,
you awesome gal. Sure, it'd be great fun to be a participant in your give-away. Count me in, please.
LOOOVVVEEE your hand-dyed threads!
Katie V in Creedmoor NC
You are very generous in making this contest with people who enjoy this beautiful art called Tatting
Let's see if I make one of the shuttles that you do, would be a great birthday tomorrow since September 10 I'm glad for my birthday.
Greetings or thank you very much.
Me too
I wanna enter too.
Thank You
Oooo Oooo Oooo Pick Me! Pick Me! I'd love some HDT!
I've been following you....
Wow you are super generous! I'm putting your banner on my blog!
This is very cool, and VERY NICE! I like your teaser for this week - please throw my name in the hat. You've been on my blogroll from day one. You were one of the first bloggers I began stalking and can take a big share of the credit for making me want to try tatting again - which I am enjoying SO much!
:) Ann
I would love to try some of your HDT or one of those beautiful shuttles or . . . count me in too - and you're in my blogroll now :)
I usually just read your blog entries, but every other blog I've been to has your banner posted, so I thought I'd drop by and see what was going on. (As if the banner didn't speak for itself,LOL)
I'd like to say thank you for your generousity and to let you know it'll be fun to see how it all turns out.
No need to think twice to enter my name...I'll do anything to get one of your precious "mondos" ^_^...
thank you for sharing it . Count me in please...
Woo Hoo! You KNOW I love a good giveaway! I sure hope I'm a "winner winner chicken dinner"! LOL! Your comment on my blog today made laugh, girlyfriend!
~TattingChic ♥
Love your lovely thread and the all beautiful shuttle that you make. Shuttle, thread, books alway on my wish list. Again love the work.
Ooooo I don't want to miss this. Your work are all so awesome. I will be adding the banner to my blog later, after my nap - too tired to do it now, :(
What an absolutely wonderful idea, to make Mondays something to look forward to - it will be fun seeing all the different prizes each week!
Hi Sherry,
This is so generous of you and of course I want my name entered.Your tatting and threads are a delight to see -- and maybe win!
Karen - no blog
P.S. For a second entry I am a follower and your blog is on my blog rolllllllllll (It's a very long tatting blogger blog roll, LOL!)
~TattingChic ♥
You are a very talented lady, my love to Mojo!!!
Well now I have something to REALLY look forward to on Mondays-Lol. I will be there. I appricate you already- you already give alot you may not realize that you do. Thanks.
Oh, how wonderful, and just when I needed a lift myself! I have linked you on my blog Sherry and hoping for double luck! LOL!
What a splendid way to 'downsize' in order to be able to buy more!!!!
Sherry, You know I am a follower and I have posted to my blog about your great giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to receive some of your "cool stuff". Will MoJo help to pick what you giveaway?
Sherry, you are a beautiful person with a huge heart and here you are proving it again. I put your banner on my blog and am happy to say I even figured out how to make it "clickable". Thank you for being such a big part of my tatting world.
wow - what a fabulous way to give back. I may have to do this someday too...the stash does tend to get a bit large after time :)
How amazingly generous of you, Sherry! I've been reading your blog for a while, but haven't left comments before, so I hope you won't think I'm a mooch if I suddenly start commenting now.
Oh my gawsh! That is so generous of you, & all your give-aways sound so awesome!! HDT alone makes me want to win!!!!
Thanks for doing this give-away!
it took me at least an hour, but i finally figured out how to add your name (the first one) to the wonderful tatters that i follow. will this give me two chances for winning? i hope so.
shirley b.
What a wonderful Idea. Just what the world needs right now. A nice act of kindness.
Bless your generous heart! Enjoy your blog so much, thanks for sharing.
I love hand dyed threads, and would like a shuttle, and a so on and so on!! lol
Please enter me in your contest. I will become a follower and add you to my sidebar.
Thanks Tammy
In a song once it said "I don't like Mondays" but from now on I think Monday will be an exciting day for lots of us, lol.
You're so generous to do this, and you've been on my list of blogs for a long time because it is always interesting to read what you have to say.
Sounds like Christmas in September!
YOu are so cool.
getting in line for a give away sounds neat. Your tatting Treasures are great. I love the colors my daughter is ordering. I keep looking for new things as well.
Viv's Tatting Quest Mom
Hi there, I am a non-tatter but I would love to learn. More than 25 entries so far and it's only Thursday.
I love the pictures on your blog. The earrings and necklace really entreat me as I have begun to do quite a bit with beads. Guess I'm just slow. My students are always looking for patterns to try their new artform and really like making things with beads.
God Bless,
I love giveaways. Please include me in.
Awesome giveaway! Your hdt is so pretty :)
WOW I would just love to win one of your fabulous prizes...you are so kind to do this.......many thanks
Jou in OZ (Australia)
Wow! This is great. You are such a dear. We have supported you becuause we love you, but the prizes will be lots of fun. Thanks, Lala.
I have just started Tatting and find it great although I still need to practice. I think your blog is great and would love to win a prize. You are a treasure. Margaretha in OZ AUSTRALIA
Beautiful blog. I have spent hours enjoying it.
There must be something special that we should do in order to win the contest. Please let us know.
I would realy like to wine any of the prizes you are giving away but I do not believe I had done anything to deserve it, except write a note.
I am a beginner in this art since almost 3 years not. My great grand mother taught me many, many years ago but only the very essentials and I have learned a lot from this group.
In my family I am the only one who tatts at least a little and they all admire it very much.
Thanks for offering this opportunity to participate in your blog. I hope you will enjoy this contest as much as we will.
Alba Alicia
Tijuana, Baja California
I'm new to tatting.....but love your blog and the beautiful threads in your etsy shop!
Please enter me ......
...and you're now in my blog roll too
I'm subscribed (RSS feed) - does that count?
This is a great giveaway - thanks for having it!
the giveaway's definitely cool, sherry! thanks for being so generous. the best part: you are back to your same old self and a sweet friend.
wow Mondo is right! You are awesome.. and I am glad you are a happy girl again!
I will be back Monday!!
Just found your blog. Had a text message from my daughter in SLC about seeing Bonneville Tatters at State Fair and it got me started on a Google search. found them and a bunch of other sites including yours. Love the give away idea.
hi lady! i love your post and add you in my blog roll. Im an argentine tatter, but ihope this could not be a problem, cause the distances. I just lucky to have your explanations so clear, here. and would like to be double lucky winning one of your giveaways.. so Till next monday!!!
I love paintings - especially in those colors. Thank you for the many upcoming giveaways planned.
(2) I'm still trying to put my blog roll somewhere in my blog but am looking for a new website provider. The current one stinks.
I have put you as part of my Google Reader but I cannot find a follower icon on your blog so not sure if you can see me as a follower.
it's monday again. are we signed up for this week? if not, here i am again to assure you that anything i might win would be great. (2)
Love, love, love this giveaway strategy, and I have a real soft spot for watercolor prints, so OF COURSE I must enter!
Thanks so much!
Woo-hoo! I already "follow" you so I qualify for a second entry. Yay! (2)
Here I am again. Lucky me that I can participate in this contest.
Alba Alicia
Tijuana Baja California
Am not usually a lucky person but can't help myself, I'll take my chances for anything to do with Tatting.
Have had your site on my blog for some time now and have dreams of your thread. Not been tatting for long and not to many supplies, but add to them a little at a time.
This also reminds me I need to get started on some snowflakes. THANKS
This is a wonderful thing for you to do. I have been visiting your site for a while now and I love the look of your work. So know I have also elected to follow your blog from mine. Thank you.
i would love to win a prize--anything would be appreciated. i love your blog--your work is amazing. 2
well, i didn't win, so i'm back again like the bad penny. i would love to win one of your prizes. so, count me in when you spin numbers. 2
shirley b.
Did I lose my opportunity this time? well better late. I will keep trying anyway.
Alba Alicia
You are awesome to giveaway such beautiful things. I'm new to blogging and just added a link to my blog. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones soon!!
i presume that i haven't won anything since i haven't heard from you. be assured that i still would love to win something even tho i missed posting last week. 2
shirley b
the computer won't accept my password so i'll be anonymous for now
You make the most beautiful things. I'd be happy with any of them. Pick me :)
Another Monday, and here I am again. Enjoying once more your blog.
Wish you all a very productive and happy week.
Alba Alicia
Tijuana Mexico
i am always optimistic. so here i am posting my wish to win one of your prizes. i do so love your tatting. anything you'd like to give me would be welcome. 2
shirley b.
I'm still hoping to win something beautiful!!
Perseverance is good. Happy and productive week to you all.
Alba Alicia
Tijuana México
i would love to win one of your prizes. i am always ready for a win. please accept my latest entry. 2
shirley b.
I just know if I keep trying I'll eventually win something...
I'd love to win - or help one more to win the giveaway!
Love your tatting and shuttles!
I'd follow this blog anyway
even without the Giveaway - so I see it as a bonus that I can get a chance to win too.
You are so talented, and generous!
Do you still have the weekly give-away?
I have added a new page to my site that is for Gift announcements and giveaways (you've inspired me!) :-)
you can find it here: http://www.tatterme.com/goodies.html
wow your work is great! this has really inspired me for my final major project in fashion :D
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