I am feeling pretty good today so I thought I would share the love with another giveaway.
This weeks prize is two issues of The Workbasket craft magazine. They are chock full of really fun subjects like Knit, Crochet and of course tatting, recipes and gardening tips plus more. Also included is one skein of size 20 FUCHSIA SILK hand dyed thread.
Please review the giveaway rules here. If you are new to my giveaways please make sure to sign up on THIS post.
The winner will be announced on Friday October 8th 2010.
However, I can no longer afford to ship my giveaway prizes internationally.
If you live somewhere other than the U.S., PR, AK, HI, or Canada and you still want to enter, you must agree to pay the shipping charges.


I think we tatters like to play the game of "Where's Tatting?"....kind of like "Where's Waldo?". It is always a little thrilling to discover tatting outside of our tatting world. Well I found some tatting on the cover of a new book called Layered, Tattered and Stitched by Ruth Rae. She is an artist who re-purposes found items and creates collages of all sorts. I am not sure she even knows that she has put tatting on her cover...but no matter...I think it's cool!


You look lovely, Sherry!
I love your posts and shuttles. Please include me in your giveaway contest.
Aww! Your belly is cute! Congrats on 35 weeks -- hopefully it will be smooth sailing for here!
The only tatting sighting I've had is a small teach yourself to knit, crochet, and tat book at the local Michael's. Does that count?
Please enter me in your drawing! (2)
Beautiful photo of you! You really are looking great. And, that thread is gorgeous. (2)
I love the fact that you are feeling much better. Your belly is very cute to see as is the huge smile on your face wonderful to see. I think it's cool that you found that book too. Sure you can add me in your drawing if you would like.
You look great! Glad you are feeling better. Include me in the giveaway.
You and Piccadilly look great! Just think, every day she stays in there, she's gaining weight. Pretty amazing!
I'd love to enter your giveaway. Thank you!
janers41 at yahoo dot com
You are looking pretty good for someone who is 34 weeks pregnant! I'd love to be entered in the giveaway.
You look GREAT! I know it's been tough - hang in there.
Glad to see you looking well and a baby attached to the whole person LOL
Your workbaskets look in much better condition than those I fell 'heir' to…:>)
Do not enter me in your drawing. I have such a big stash and so many books, I'm rather embarrassed by my opulence. LOL That's why I gift things so often. One can only actually, realistically use so many books (but I just bought five more!) LOL
Still praying for good health and progress for you my darlin' girl.
xxxx Grams
Hi Sherry, So good to hear from you and that you're feeling better. You do look great. Still praying for you three. Karen (1)
You look great!
No need to enter me in the draw - just wanted to say hi and tell you how pleased I am about the two of you sharing that lovely, rounded belly!
Fox : )
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better today. And I'm glad to see that the little one is still growing strong. I'd love to be entered in your drawing--I so love making the odds look longer for everyone else :)
I would love to be entered for your giveaway! One can never have too much HDT! I don't see too much tatting around here, but then I haven't really been looking either. I guess I should. It's great to see you smiling! I'm glad you and Picadilly are doing well!
Thank you for a chance in the giveaway. The books look wonderful!
By the way You are cute!
Glad you are feeling better, you look really great.
do not enter me in the drawing, I have a large collection of handed down workbaskets. very pretty thread tho.
best wishes for the next 5 weeks. not so long now and time will go fast.
You look great. Hope you are feeling good.
Could not resist entering the drawing.
Mobile, Al.
LeVert92 at aol.com
i would love to be entered in your drawing (2)
Thats excellent that you are at 35 weeks... i made to to 34 with my twins and 38 with my daughter...your almost done baking that baby...can't wait to see.
Glad to read you are feeling better! I'd love to win your giveaway! Thanks.
Your are a vision to behold. Put me in the hat for the give away.
What a beautiful photo of you and little Miss P.
Stay healthy and happy.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who gets excited about spotting tatting. I'm excited to enter your drawing.
Look at that! You look so cute preggers! What a sweet smile too! That book is really cute too!
You look wonderful! I'm so glad to see you smiling!
I'll enter the drawing-- I can't resist a Workbasket, and the "Fuschia" is so pretty. (2)
Please enter me for that beautifully colored thread.
Way to hang in there with the baby! I'm sorry your pregnancy has been so difficult. Hope your last few weeks will be as much better than the first 35 as they are shorter.
The photo of you has made my day! I think about you often, and I am so pleased you have made it this far, and still have the strength to smile. :)
I have never entered a giveaway...but why not? I promise to pay the postage if ever I win.
you look fabulous, sherry. wow! keep smiling.
Please do not include me in your giveaway, I have alot of workbaskets already. But I wanted to say it's good to see you smiling.
Hi Sherry, I am so glad to hear you are having a good day. Wonderful picture and you look lovely with that special glow that only pregnant women get. Please enter me in your giveaway.(2)
Glad to see you out of bed and smiling. I'd love to be in the drawing for the thread (2)
Sherry, you look so happy! When you hold your baby for the first time you will realize that it was all worth it! Love the Fuchsia silk color. Have just the right idea for it, so please enter me in your drawing.
My mom used to get Workbasket for many years. She had knitted so many lovely things from those magazines.
You're looking great! It won't be long before you'll be cuddling your baby.
Glad to see you are doing well. Love your silks so please enter me into the give-away.
I was OVERJOYED to see that photo of you looking so great! It really made my day!
I'd LOVE to win another skein of your thread, and I always enjoy looking at Workbaskets, as I have only a few. I envy those who have a 'whole collection'!
You're also doing a great job on that Patchwork pattern - great color choices (of course, you're an expert at that), and such nice work.
Keep 'taking it easy'. It's almost October!
You look great! I'm so glad you are feeling better!
:) Ann
You're glowing! I can't believe you've found energy to do a giveaway during all this :)
awesome =) u look great.
You are looking great! Glad too hear you are feeling better and that all our prayers are working. Please put me in the hat for your giveaway!
You look great!! Yes! please enter me in your giveaway!! So happy to see that you are feeling better!!!
You look fabulous Sherry!!! Please enter me in your wonder giveaway. Your link is already on my blog.
I know its been said many times already, but I'm happy to see and hear you're feeling well.
Please enter me in your drawing.
blood_filled_dream at hotmail dot com
- Veronica
Lovely to see you looking so well. Your tummy is very ellegant. Please enter me in your draw, I am happy to pay postage.
happy tatting
Happy Monday to you too, Sherry!!
Love the full belly pic :)
I think pregnant women are among some of the most beautiful women in the world
Can wait to see baby Picadilly! I bet she'll look just like her momma!
Also, just to let you know - I love your thread. So far, I've only worked with the faeries - I can't bring myself to use the silk or the other colors yet (they're all too pretty to handle)!
You are looking lovely!
Hi - I am new to tatting, but I read your blog a few weeks ago and am so glad to hear you are well (& look great). Will any of your shuttles be unglazed? I would love to try some decorative painting on them
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