This is how far I am on Jane's patchwork project....still a long way to go!
...and this is my Piccadilly update; I am just 34 weeks now and still cook'n. It is a miracle that we have gotten this far after everything we have gone through and I am sooooo grateful! It has to be the power of prayer! Now that we are this far a lot of pressure and anxiety is lifted. I know that even if she is born tomorrow, her chances are very good to be a normal healthy baby.
Yesterday was my big weekly ultra-sound/check up and there was good news and not so super news. We will start with the good news first; Piccadilly is healthy and on target for weight....YAY!!! ...and that is really all that matters.
The not so good news is mainly pertaining to myself and my health. I have faithfully been on bed rest. My husband was away on temporary duty for awhile so I had some wonderful house guests alternating on and off. It was nice to have company and help around the house. However, someone gave me the extra gift of a virus and I have been sick with flu-like symptoms the last few days and I have lost yet even more weight. I cannot begin to tell you how tired I am of throwing up dog-gone-it!
Also, my contractions are progressively stronger and more painful so I am completely exhausted all the time. I have mostly been sleeping a lot...(please no comments on how I should enjoy this sleep before the baby comes. As true and obvious as that may be...I am tiring of hearing it.)
....anyway back to the doc appt; after all the checks I was told that baby is basically ready to be born any time now. WOW! So we are playing the waiting game. She is about 4 and 1/2 pounds now...so I would really like her to gain at least another pound or so. Hopefully all this throwing up and stuff will subside so we can work on that!
In my next post I hope to share the wonderful "Shower in a box" that Lace-Lovin Librarian sent and how I met a nurse who has an almost identical pregnancy story to my own.
Ta for now!

So sorry you are fighting a virus. You have really been through the ringer on this pregnancy. So glad Piccadilly is now at a good weight.
So pleased to hear that Picadilly is still 'cooking'. What a relief. Shame about the sickness, though. The patchwork colours are fantastic. Clever contrasts and clever ways of using them as edgings too.
Having not heard from you in soooo long I was starting to worry!! Thanks for the up date!! Glad to hear that your little needle tatter is still cooking!!
Your patch work is divine. Sorry about the flu bug but yeah about Picadilly! Hope you can hold enough down to get her to 6 or 7 lbs, so much better for both of you. Still have you in my prayers!
Sending lots of good wishes your way! You're doing a great job of distracting yourself with the tatting. I know there's not much else you can do. But at least you've made it to the point you wanted to make it to and it's certainly going to get better once you kick that nasty little virus in the butt.
Congratulations on hanging on in there. Prayers still heading your way for the both of you. Hope the flu effects subside.
Your patchwork piece just looks prettier and prettier! I'm glad Picadilly's doing well, and hopefully you'll kick that virus quickly. Wishing you all the best!
Continuing to pray along with others. Esp. when I can't sleep at night and awaken around 2 am! I had a strong feeling about you this week, in the middle of the night, and spent a lot of time as a prayer warrior.
I was full term and weighed 3 ½ lbs wet at birth; so, even if she doesn't gain more weight ~ she will be fine. I was also short and fit in a ladies shoe box! Full term! Fortunate I grew to 5' 2". LOL
hangest thou in there kid…and babies can take naps on your tummy after they are out…so you do get to nap! LOL My little 'grub' (who is now 46) and I used to take our afternoon rest together. Grub weighed nearly 10 lbs! She was my Full-back ~ girl. Who grew up to be about 5' 7" and svelte! One never knows!
love you grams...
You have been so strong through all of this. You are an amazing woman and an amazing mom. Picadilly is safe now, and you won't have to endure this much longer (though it will seem like forever while it's happening).
Your patchwork piece is looking great!
34 weeks, 4 1/2 lbs. Wow! This is wonderful news. Hang in there.
My niece is expecting in the spring. Her 3 1/2 yr old adamantly states "Me and Seagle (their dog)are getting a baby sister AND baby brother!" Twins are not in the forecast and we are hoping the resemblance to Seagle is minimal. Keep smiling!
I am glad that Picadilly is progressing well. So sorry that you caught the flu. All the best for the next part that is coming.
Thank you for sharing the patchwork photo, it's pretty.
I am glad you and Picadilly are doing fine. Your patchwork mat is looking good.
That is wonderful news that you are at 34 weeks now and baby is 4½ pounds! God is good and He will sustain you. Phil 4:13!
Your patchwork project is beautiful! I love the look and colors!
Prayers for good health and a healthy baby! :)
Hooray for 34 weeks! Glad to hear your little munchkin is still cookin' -- I'll keep sending those good vibes your way.
I love the look of your patchwork -- it reminds me of the quilts my mama used to make.
Sherry, you have been an amazing trooper through all of this! Little 'dilly is in all of our prayers, as are you and hubby. You can relax a little in the worry department now. The two of you are a great "team". Soon you will meet each other face to face and oh how heavenly that will be. Glad you have Jane's project to keep our mind sharp whilst you are resting. It's looking beautiful. More prayers.
So sorry you're sick!! As nice as it is to have help, unfortunately that is what can happen. Here's hoping you will recover quickly!! I know for me, there is nothing I hate more than throwing up.
SO GLAD to hear that Pica is doing great - I'm sure she will gain some more weight before being born (*sigh... if only you could get some nutrients to stay down!!)
Good luck to you, and I'm looking forward to the day that you blog that... The Fun Has Arrived!!
You have done such a great job throughout the trials of this pregnancy! Way to go! 34 weeks is a HUGE milestone to make! Praying for you to get better and for both you and picadilly in your upcoming delivery!
I hate to break it to you, but no matter how much sleep and rest you get now, you can't 'save it up' so to speak for when baby comes...it just doesn't work that way!
Feel better soon!
I hope you are feeling OK today.
The colours in the patchwork look gorgeous. They blend together beautifully.
34 weeks and counting is fantastic news! Hang in there - you're both doing a great job.
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