Let us hope that 2011 brings joy, health and prosperity to us all.
As I look back over the past three years I have to admit that they have been pretty tough in many ways. But in spite of all the trials and tribulations I always had my wonderful tatting friends who have encouraged me so much along the way. In fact if it weren't for all the wonderful comments, emails and care packages, I think I would have given up on this blog and everything else long ago.
I've said it a dozen times but it is worth saying again...tatters are the best people on earth!
I have a few more challenges to face in the coming months. Hubby will be leaving for military duty again, making me a single mom to a newborn for a few months. Also we have another major move on the horizon; one that I am not looking forward to...in fact "dreading" is the appropriate word here.
In spite of all this I have to believe that 2011 will be a wonderful year.
Now at the risk of boring you to tears with more Piccadilly pictures, I just have to share these.

As Piccadilly grows I will share the other wearable gifts Miss P has received.

I am really still very far behind the curve with lack of sleep but everyone keeps telling me that it will get better. Once I have some more energy I hope to get back to keeping up this blog regularly with lots of tatting.

Just takes time sweetheart. I love the photo of the two of you in your hats. Sweet.
Well, being a service wife means moving. I always enjoyed the moving; although, ours was for going to build roads and dams. You met a lot of nice people, see new sites; and, you’ll have company with “Dilly”.
My Mommie used to take me to the new library of each place, when I was a tad older and we learned all about the history of each place that we lived. Consequently, when it came to American Geography; I aced it! Had a lot of information to write papers about. LOL
Look for the light in each situation...you will be happier in your life with Dilly. Little girls pick up on stress from their Mommies ~ I always ‘knew’ when my Mom was unhappy or sad and then I was unhappy for her and also sad....
So soldier on, my dear. At least you have a buddy to trek with you!
xxx Grams
Happy New Year!! What wonderful gifts Piccadilly received.
Beautiful photos - You are a very blessed young Lady - Congrats on such a lovely little one
(The hats are perfect !!)
I am speechless from your last picture-I have tears in my eyes at how wonderful you and Little MS P look together! Thank you so much for sharing.
By the way your daughter looks sooo cute in all her tatted and crocheted gifts!
we are all here for you Sherry, one way or another. hope you have some friends and helpful people around while your are being a single mom. best wishes for a safe tour of duty for your dh. Miss P, is a lucky girl to have you as her mom and all the tatter grandmas that any little girl could need.
Oh, Sherry. I will never tire of Piccadilly pictures. Please keep them coming. Afterall, they're a reminder of those answered prayers for her and her parents! Picture of Miss P and Mommy is so very precious. Karen in OR
PS You can count on the Tatting community to go through the next tour with you I'm certain. Chin up, my Friend. We're here for you.
Awwww....so sweet. Not bored at all! Please keep sharing the baby pictures.
Never enough photos!!!!
Wonderful gifts and great photo of the two of you in your matching hats!
You definitely could write a book about all the challenges you've had and continue to experience in your life. You are an inspiration, and you're always in our thoughts and prayers.
By the way - you have done more blogging and tatting than I have!
Baby pictures are never boring! I love the one of you and Piccadilly in your hats... my girls and their children all got matching pajamas for Christmas. Hats would be so much cuter!
Awww...How could anyone ever tire of seeing such a beautiful, adorable and precious baby!?! Please keep posting your pictures!! I love the picture of you and baby with matching hats it is beautiful! Have a blessed New year!
Hermosos, los zapatitos, el adorno del sombrerito y los dos sombreritos, no se cual me quedo. HERMOSOS todos. Felicidades
I love those little tatted booties! Those are just too cute!
Praying for a smooth transition for you and that you are able to meet some other mamas at your next location so you don't feel quite so alone and iscolated.
Love all the pics of your precious little one! So glad we got to meet her before you move so far away again!
Little Piccadilly is sooo cute! It's great that some of the gifts can be used now. The picture of the two of you together is just wonderful!
May you find a bright side on where-ever they send you next. Where-ver that may be, those of us out here in Tatland are no farther away than your computer.
That is wonderful! Those pics are just precious! Love the tatted booties so sweet and that blanket from Marty is very nice!
No, no, no - not bored in the least. Entranced, enchanted, all awash in sweet Piccadilly baby love! Keep those pics a- com in', pretty please?
Bored of baby pictures? Nope. I am not one to gush over people's babies, as most women do, but Picadilly is so beautiful. Really, I don't often say that. She has a very wise look to her in her photos. You can tell there is 'someone in there' that is special.
On a side note, I love the babie booties and the matching hats you made.
Hi Kristen, I do not have your email otherwise I would respond to this privately. I am sorry to hear you lost your shuttle. I will be listing new ceramic shuttles by the end of the month..(I am just now getting back into the swing of things.) If you do not find one you like you may email me at ladyshuttlemaker@hotmail.com
and we'll make sure to get you back up and tatting again soon!
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