Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Macro photos are fun....

I'm still working on shuttles today. Thought I would have some fun with the macro attatchment on my camera. Who knew that clay and tatting would be such a happy marriage?
I am wondering just how many of these shuttles will actually survive until the end. For those who haven't been with me since the beginning, it is well known that I have quite a high rate of loss on the production side. That is because making ceramic shuttles is very VERY difficult. This is probably why after 6 years of making them and five years of selling them I am still the only known ceramic shuttle maker in all the world.
The ones that do survive are going to be really really nice!

There seems to be a lot of interest in the tatting mugs so I will try my best to make sure everyone gets one. It might take me awhile but there is no reason why everyone who wants one shouldn't have one.
Last month USPS shipping prices went up again. I have consistantly been losing money on shipping so I am going to have to raise my shipping prices to match theirs...so please don't take the higher costs out on me. I hate to do it but I can't afford to keep losing money.
In order to ship these mugs I had to order boxes and shipping materials. So once those arrive I can figure out what shipping will be and then I can list them in the shop.


Anonymous said...

the shuttles are looking great.... :-) wait for them to hit Esty....


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I know it's a tough color, but will there be any cobalt blue shuttles? ; )

Bonnie said...

It must be exciting to see the process come together. I'm sorry to know that some of them won't make it.