I have been really busy making a lot of positive changes in my family's life. Firstly, I have started a 600 square foot garden and secondly I have converted all our beauty and cleaning products over to all natural remedies. I now hand make all our soaps, lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoos, shaving foams, bug spray, sun block, air freshener, carpet cleaner...yadda yadda the list goes on. My readers know that my husband and myself have dealt with some pretty gnarly health issues so this is part of my ongoing quest to find what works for us to help us be healthy. If you don't have health, what good does all the time and money in the world do you? So as you can see, I have been really busy and I hope you can forgive my absence.
This is me with straight hair, a rare sight indeed! But I looked cute for one day so that was fun.
OK, I might as well let the cat out of the bag because once I do then I am truly committing myself; I am working on the next T.I.A.S. I hope for it to be ready sometime this Fall. So yes, there is some fun tatting on the horizon. I also have one or two very special Mondo Monday Giveaways coming up. It just might pay to keep checking back.
Your pic looks awesome....however it does sound like you have a lot on your plate but if you guys are feeling better it will be well worth your effort. waiting for the TIAS in the fall
Oh Yeah!!! I love your T.I.A.S. every bit as much as Jane's. I am looking forward to it.
You are an inspiration, I have not gone the route of home made yet, I am thinking I will start with shampoo in about a month when I have used up what is in the shower.
How are all your DIY working for you? would you be willing to post your recipes?
It's nice to see you posting again. It definitely sounds like you've been busy. I would definitely be interested in the recipes or links to the recipes you used for the health and beauty products. You look great, by the way.
Wow - Miss P looks more and more like you all the time! She is beautiful.
Love that photo- and I know all about the one day of straight hair!!! I have had to cut mine short during this humid summer - I was really, really tired of looking like Albert Einstein every day!
Your garden looks wonderful too.
Fox : )
You have the sweetest pixie in your garden! I hope your own cleaning products do the trick for your health.
Good work - I'm planning to start down the handmade natural path myself. Planting a large herb garden this coming spring to provide some of the raw ingredients. Quite an adventure! Good to hear from you with such positive news as well. Your vegie garden is looking very healthy! Cheers, Lesley S
Please, there are many of us that desire to have a chemical free home for a variety of reasons. We would love to know what recipes you are using.
You look absolutely lovely! And that garden- wow! Everything looks so lush and wonderful, especially the little girl you've got growing there. (What a sweetheart, she grows so fast!)
Love the smile on your face!!
So glad you are doing better - will send you some links for good home made stuff.
I'm envious of your garden! I can barely keep my petunias and zinnias alive. I would not want to depend on me for our food supply! Piccadilly is SO cute, and I'm very glad to seeing you looking great! I wouldn't have the patience to make all those things, but I understand why you are doing so. Always good to see a post from you.
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