This example is tatted in the traditional way.
Reverse Work "RW" means to flip from top to bottom.
Turn Work "TW" means to turn like a page in a book...from right to left.
Notice how the chain turned directions. I use a lot of TW's in my patterns.
Here's a bonus picture showing a "floating ring". If Orange is Shuttle #1 and green is shuttle #2 (in lieu of ball thread), you can use shuttle #2 to throw off rings.
This is a great tutorial! You did a good job and I love the colors even if you did pick them for the contrast. Is this the start of a new pattern?
Very cool! Thank you for showing it so simply... the two color help tremendously!
Wow! You girls are up early!
Lala, nope not a new pattern...I was just tatting and that is what happened.
...I did finish "The" doily today and will post it soon. hee hee
I am always up early. Have to catch those worms! Can't wait to see the doily.
That is a wonderful tute, Sherry! Yet another thing to add to my "tatting techniques list" for newbies to find. I love it.
~ TattingChic
These are very intresting I must say. You know you could make really neat little flowers to sell for scrapbooking!!!
Is there anything you can make with these that Miss Chloe could wear? I am just wondering what you can all do with this tatting.......
You are awesome, thank you for this great information, Sherry.
If you express even the slightest amount of interest in know I'm going to be all over you like a bear on honey. Just a warning. What can be done with tatting....oh I don't know.... ABOUT A BILLION THINGS!
I'll fix Chloe up with a litte somp'n somp'n. :)
I'm a little confused because I've seen Turn Work used in patterns meaning Reverse work...I've always thought they mean the same thing. Is this only true for some patterns then and not others?
You are so sweet to offer tutorials for beginners!
Good for you Sherry! Nice job illustrating the difference. I remembered the confusion about turning work and reverse work when someone commented on my blog that a friend would find the rw video helpful. I wished I'd included it then, but too late. lol! Unfortunately, as Melissa pointed out, even though rw and tw are two different things, a few patterns have been written where turning the work actually meant rw and that makes it even more confusing. I think that's why I've come to love diagrams. LOL!
Like flies on poo! I think you need to put a video of you tatting so people can see what it looks like. Including me. I want to see how you use that tool thingy you make.
Oh goody,goody. I can't wait to see what you make for Miss Chloe!!
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and you can see a video of me tatting and some of the things you can do with tatting.
I'm overstating the obvious. Great tutorial ~ and it IS confusing; turn....the color choices were excellent, they show really well.
And, oooh Sherry, love the new silk thread. you are such a tease and temptation to my addiction!
I was watching snowboarding and the flying tomato today; and, I thought of you. Wish they'd had snowboarding when I was a girl!
hugs Bev
Thank you for the tutorial. I'm a beginner tatter and get confused easily =) This tutorial cleared things up.
When it says "Do not reverse work" (like when you make a clover leaf)do you knot your work or not knot? I am confused on the "do not reverse work" directions. Thank you for any help in this matter. I am a beginner.
I am confused when pattern says "Do not reverse work" Do I knot the work? Or not knot? Thanks for any help in my confusion. Denise Winant
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