You know...I was kind a root'n for one of the guys to win this week. (Don't worry Jeff and Clyde, I am sure your day is coming soon.) But it doesn't matter who I root for because I leave it all up to the randomness of chance. I have a very strong sense of fairness, I don't play favorites and I apall cheating of any sort.
...So I was totally surprised by who the computer chose this week because it may appear that I am playing favorites. But let me reassure you, I don't play that way!
I entered all participants of my Weekly Monday Mondo Giveaway into an Excel spread sheet. Everyone was assigned a different number and those who were eligible for two entries were assigned two numbers. I then used a random number generator to randomly pick the winning numbers and this week we have two winners total.
This week it is all in the family because my adopted mother and my adopted sister won! ...(I think everyone should adopt and be adopted by someone).
This big prize of the bead spinner goes to: TattyCat. A big congratulations to you, I know you will put it to good use!
The additional winner (and this won't surprise you because I swear she is the luckiest girl in all the world) is TattingChic!!!! Chicky, you won a secret surprise that you can blog about when you get it...LOL!
Congrats Ladies! ...and everyone else...don't worry, there are a lot more prizes to come!
Yippee! Congratulations Tattycat and TattingChic! I'm so excited for the two of you!
Sherry, isn't it fun to give things away? I'm sure Clyde and Jeff will be lucky winners soon!
Congratulations Tattycat and TattingChic.
tattingchic has always been lucky with draws. If only I were that lucky.
Congratulations to Tattycat and to Tattingchick. LadyShuttlemaker is so generous to do this and I look forward to seeing what's up next and who the winners will be. I'm happy for you two and know that when my turn comes it'll be good too. Her HDT is one of my favorite threads.
Thank you LadyShuttlemaker for your generosity and contributions to tatland through tutorials, threads, patterns and more. Karen
Oh, I am so very excited! Oh, I sure hope that my secret surprise is one of your hook pens...hint hint hint (pink is my favorite color)... ha ha!!! Okay, I will be thrilled with whatever I get (a beadspinner, ceramic shuttle, silk HDT, any HDT) ha ha ha! I am quite the hint dropper here! Well, like I said I will be thrilled with whatever you send me!
Congrats to Laura!
Oooh a suprise gift? I look foward to reading on her blog on what she won.
I am very happy for TattyCat and TattingChic; the winners.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! It couldn't have gone to a nicer tatter, and the runner up ain't bad either.
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