Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lot's of Tatting today

This is the main reason why I created the HDT "Vickie's Lilacs", I've been wanting to make another one of these necklaces. This is the first one I have done in size 20 tatting thread, (I usually make them in size 80 tatting thread). I like it just as much in the larger thread size.
Here is Jane's HIPPO completed in my HDT "Coffee and Cream". What a fun project this was. Thank you Jane!
I may need to consider doing a TIAS in the future.

And finally, if you check in my links under FREE PATTERNS you will find that I have sucessfully converted them to PDF's for easy downloading. Also, the new pattern is listed as "Valentine Gift Tag". Have fun! If you find any errors please do let me know...I have had a lot on my mind lately!


Tattycat said...

Ooh, the lilac necklace is lovely, the hippo is very cute and the thread choice was perfect! Thanks for the pattern. I'm going to go there now.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I wondered if there was another necklace planned when I saw that beautiful thread. You've certainly created a beautiful tribute o your mother! I agree with Laura... your hippo looks great in Coffee and Cream. I'm off to the pattern page! Thank you!

Bonnie said...

Your necklace creation is so lovely. And thank you for the valentine gift tag pattern, I'm going to try it. You are truly an artist in many different ways, Sherry.

Marilee Rockley said...

The necklace is very pretty, and Jane's hippo is so cute!
Is your necklace tatted over a wire like you have done before?

Marty said...

Your hippo turned out really nice -- such an appropriate color, too!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled here from the etsy blog ring. I just wanted to tell you that your tatting and dyeing work is beautiful!!

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

Thank you for all the lovely comments, I do need all the encouragement I can get!
Marilee, yes the necklace is tatted over steel wire like the others.