Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Perils of Hand Dyeing Tatting Thread


I always wear gloves while dyeing and I try to be ultra careful with the dyes as they are so potent and potentially destructive. Well, as you can see here, despite my best efforts I had two holes in my glove. I expect that this won't come off for about a week. The stains are much darker in real life than the photo shows.
It also gives you a clue what color to expect in the next batch.

Since my pottery production has come to a full stop and I have spent more way money on dyes and thread than I have made, I will be kicking up the amount of thread dyeing just a bit. Hubby is so insistent upon it that he has taken to helping me wind skeins at night after work. Bless his heart!

If I haven't already mentioned it, I am going to be a vendor at Shuttlebirds tatting convention. So I will be very busy the next couple of months getting threads, shuttles and books ready for sale. I hope to see you there!


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Oh, how I would love to go! I can't wait to see the new thread!

Tattycat said...

Like Diane, I wish so much that I could go to the convention and I can't wait to see the new thread. I will do my best to help you get "into the black" with your thread dyeing and sales!

Marilee Rockley said...

I wish I could go too! Good luck, there.
Do try to be more careful with your gloves, Sherry!
You are lucky that you have someone capable of winding skeins. My middle son gave it a try, but it turned out that he is incapable of tieing knots! So I had to "let go" my one attempt at an "employee".

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

LOL Marilee! My hubby has a hard time with the knots too!