Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tatting Inspiration

I don't know about you but I love when artists share where they get their inspiration. I get my inspiration from all the usual places and sometimes I get inspiration from unexpected places. And a lot of times my artistic outlets tend to cross over and inspire each other such as in this particular instance.
This is a photograph I took in my flower garden last spring. It has inspired me to make the hand dyed tatting thread blend called "Spring Poppies". I hope you like it as much as I do! I must confess that the thread looks better in person than it does in the photo.

Inspiration Photo


"Spring Poppies"



Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Gorgeous! I'm off to Etsy!

Marilee Rockley said...

That is a prize-winning photo and beautiful thread. Very springlike!

Tattycat said...

I like it a lot! And, I've money to spend from my Etsy sale and a Christmas present I just returned. Very pretty.

Bonnie said...

Sherry, what beautiful colors! My previous order just arrived today, now I see this and I simply must have it also. I'm searching for patterns that are worthy of my "good" threads :-)

Gina said...

I love the way that yellow pops out! Pun not intended, but quite fitting.
:-) gina

Unknown said...

You know me and my love of hand dyed threads. This colour combination is sure to be a favorite, absolutely gorgeous. Now if only my wallet would magically grow.

Anonymous said...

Very Lovely picture and the thread is so Gorgeous! Just that I am not used to tatting with size 80 and your listing is size 80. :-(.

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

Thank you everybody!

Sapna, I think you will LOVE working with size 80!!