Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ah! If only there were more hours in the day.....
Back when Jane was doing TIAS #2, I was unable to participate because I had neither beads nor buttons. I finally found some beads and I intend to use them in my future tatting projects. When I find some free time I really want to tat Jane's tatting family.

It's been so hot here that I rarely venture out. I cannot wait for the weather to cool down so that I can be social again. This Fall will be when I can really get out and explore Korea...and find some buttons to go with the beads!


Tattycat said...

The beads are lovely. I do hope you will find time one day to tat with them. It is so much fun. Especially with Jane's new way of adding the beads to the rings. Hope it will soon be cool enough for you to go outside.

Marilee Rockley said...

Beads, oh joy! Have fun, there are so many ways to add beads. Hope you have your floss threader handy, and/or tiny crochet hook. I'll be looking for your spectacular beaded creations with your HDT!

Unknown said...

Those beads are so pretty and fun! Lucky you! What a cute photo, too! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

Bonnie said...

I love beads in tatting. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with them.