Mimi, maybe I CAN teach!
Mimi Dillman is a very talented tatting teacher and so is Georgia Seitz and many others I have been so blessed to meet. They have that "something special".
I know I lack some skills when it comes to teaching tatting, but if I don't bring it to Korea...who will? So I gave it my very best shot and our first class was a success.
Kyoung-mi served delicious grapes and tea...the whole evening was just delightful!
While we were tatting lot's of people came and went and it looks like I picked up another student for next Monday!
Yep....it looks like I'll give classes every Monday until no one is interested anymore!
Hye-soon seems really extra excited about tatting. I will be ordering shuttles and hooks for these gals right away. (I still can't believe that there are NO tatting supplies in Korea) In the meantime I gave them some HDT and temporary shuttles and a homework assignment.
There is no word in Hangul for "tatting" so I told Kyoung-mi that she should make a word up for it.
If this turns into a big thing...would anyone be interested in donating any tatting supplies? I just thought I would throw that out there. I would love for one or more of these girls to be proficient enough when I leave to carry on the art.
I traded Kyoung-mi one of my ceramic shuttles for some raw clay and I am going to try and make more shuttles while I am here. I have already been inspired by Korean pottery. Due to materials and firing techniques these shuttles will be very different from my usual stuff.
Oh...what a very exciting day!
Well done! You are off to a good start. Thank you for sharing your experience with us all.
I didn't know that the Koreans don't know about tatting. So happy that you have managed to get some of them interested.
Long Live Tatting and Tatters.
It is so great that you are promoting tatting in Korea, and that your students are so excited. You'll leave something very important behind you when you leave Korea.
Keep up the good work and enjoy the lessons.
What great photos! This is so exciting, Sherry!
I have stuff I can donate. You've got my email addy, send me a reminder note with your snail mail APO and I'll send over some goodies.
That is exciting, Sherry! I think it's so cool that you are teaching some gals in Korea to tat! Go Sherry!!!
Sherry, I'm so proud of you! You did it! Congratulations! What will you do next? :))
Exciting is right! Just think of all of the people that will remember you when you return to the States! I'm really looking forward to seeing your Korean inspired ceramic shuttles!
What an excited post and what pretty students! I am so proud of you. You will be leaving a big mark of your very own on Korea. I have some things I will donate if you will email me where to send them. Great job!
congratulations Sherry,
See you are a teacher. Have a great time with your students.
Thank you everyone for the encouraging words.
Yay...thank you Yarnplayer and TattyCat! I'll email you!
This is such good news that you are going to be responsible for introducing tatting to the Korea world!!! And their reception I can already tell is ecstatic.
Just let me know what you need and I can donate some shuttles and threads of different types for them to try. I have a load of 70-80 tatting cotton that I rarely use and also have quite a lot of DMC pearl cotton sitting in some drawers. I can also supply some interesting threads for them to try. Altho after they have tatted to their delight with those threads, I can't get any more. Just give me an email of your wants.
Mark, aka Tatman
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