Sunday, October 5, 2008

One more day for TIAS #4

Oh my goodness! I hope you guys aren't mad at me for driving you crazy with this TIAS. I designed it and released it in such a way that would keep you guessing....I'm a bit naughty that way.....did it work???
I will say that two individuals have correctly guessed, but because my answer was the same for every guess I didn't tell them their guesses are correct.....YET...

I am preparing for my second Korean tatting lesson today. We will work on joins and possibly chains. I hope I can keep the momentum and interest going.

I will release the final TIAS segment on Wednesday to give everyone a chance to get caught up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wednesday!?! Just kidding...I can wait...sigh...LOL! ;) Just razzin' ya, Sherry!