That's right bloggers! I am going to give away one of my hand crafted one of a kind ceramic tatting shuttles for FREE! How can you get in on this deal????
It's very simple; all you have to do is make sure you have a link to my blog on your page AND leave a comment here letting me know. That's it!
I have noticed that new tatting blogs are popping up almost daily and I thought this might be a good way for me to keep up.
If you check my blog roll to the right you'll see that I have 110 blogs as of this posting....in fact yours is probably already there, but if not then I can learn who you are!
Sound fun??? Your blog doesn't even have to be a strictly tatting blog to enter, pretty much you just need to appreciate tatting. What a deal!
On Jan 15th I'll put all the names in a hat and let my husband draw the lucky winner!
Good luck!
Feel free to spread the word!!!
That's a grand prize! Thanks for such the giveaway. We already have mutual links to each others' blogs, hope that don't disqualify me!
You are IN Ellen! (o:
!! I would like to enter too!
Hi Sherry,
I certainly do have a link from my blog to yours...have had it for eons!!! LOL!! Now, one of your shuttles would be a prize well worth winning! I hope my luck is in!
I added your link to my "new" temporary blog until I get my original back with my website. Here is my blog: tatmantats.wordpress.com
I want, I want! If I do win the draw, I will treasure your shuttle forever! I already have you in my blogroll. Does that count?
Hi Sherry,
This is a wonderfull idea.
I am already in your roll
I'll wait and see
Riet the B-engel
Love your blog! Thank you for sharing with us all you do!
Thank you everyone!
Riet and Miss Nancy, please make sure MY link is in YOUR blogroll or sidebar.
Everyone else is IN! GOOD LUCK hee hee (o:
What an awesome possum giveaway!!! This is the BEST one ever! I have a link to your blog on my sidebar, does that count!?! Also, I can do a post to, like, advertise for it...may I copy and paste the cute little image you made in the blog post for it??? Oh, this is fun. Gosh, I hope you don't disqualify me for having won a few giveaways in the past because this is the BEST one ever!!! BTW, did I mention that this is the BEST giveaway EVER!!! LOL! I am laughing at myself, here! Can you tell I'm excited about this one?? :)
LOL Chicky! Of course you are IN! And sure go ahead and post about it...that would be great!
I want to be in too. I added your link to my blog so I can find your site so much faster.
Took me a moment...but I now have you in my 'blogs I follow'.
I understand your feelings on your 'buddy', Abby is my best friend...*smile*
Hello Sherry! We have links to each other already. Could you enter me in your give away? That will be an awesome and and treasured prize for whoever wins it. Thanks for the chance at winning it.
How is your finger doig?
Have a great day!
Wow! Sherry what a generous offer. I am on your blog roll but you weren't on mine Oops! but I am always looking at your blog via Jane Eborell's blog roll ...you are on my list now though. Can't wait for the 15thJan I love your threads, would love to win one of your shuttles.
You are already in my blogroll! :) But I'm not on yours :(
aka CrazyKwilter
What a wonderful way to generate tatting excitement! I'll be excited for whoever wins... I hope it's a musical shuttle!
You've been in my blogroll from the beginning, Sherry. A handcrafted shuttle by you is a great prize for some lucky winner!
I don't have much of a blog, but you are linked. Just don't laugh too much at my crazed discourses. Can't wait 'til the 15th. Note to Husband: Come on Good Hands, Good Hands....
Here's hoping hubby draws my name out of the hat!!!
You are right there on my BlogRoll -- where you can be found right quick. I most certainly want to enter. Your shuttles are all so pretty!
I see you had my blog, and I have yours too! Great idea!
Carol aka.. battatter
Your in my blog roll. I want in!! I need a new shuttle :)
THANKS for this opportunity
This is so awesome of you Sherry. I already have you in my "My Favourite Tatting Links". I'm assuming that is fine. Thanks for doing this.
Oh, I can't resist this one. I do believe your blog was the first one I linked when I joined. Now send that shuttle this way! Honestly, if I were to win, I'd probably be too scared to use it for fear I'd break it. LOL!
Gee, I can't remember if I have a link to your blog on mine or not. LOL Please enter me into the drawing.
Hi Sherry! I posted on my blog about the giveaway and you have been on my blog roll since I had one! (And I'm on yours, so no new sites here!)
Ps. Got to love the Blogger word verification things! Mine was "loudier"
i would love to have your shuttle. i used to work with ceramics and know the complications. i did most of my work with porcelain and then painted and fired it. it would be wonderful to have a sample of your work, especially since it would be a shuttle.
shirley burger
I am new to Blogger, so I hope that this shows up correctly, your are listed on my page as well :)
Squeee! And I'm on your blog roll already (don't you ever get bored, reading mine?).
oh your shuttles are awesome, I would love to win one too! You have my blog featured, and yours is on mine too!
Carol A aka battatter
Oh no, Sherry! You are having a Shuttle Giveaway?
What am I to do? I do not blog.
But . . . I do read your blog and love your work. Oh, do I love your work!!!
Does that qualify me? Please do say that would qualify me.
Your beautiful shuttle would have a very proud owner in me!
Please, please, please . . .
Hegla Hess
Membership Coordinator
I was in your list, but somehow I had failed to put you n mine. You are now in my list of great blogs. :)
Ohhh, one of yours shuttles!!! That's a great prize!! I have a brand new blog of tatting and i always visit you. Kisses
YAIIIKKSS....love your ceramic shuttle...I think it's time for me to seriously work on my blog ^_^
I just added your link to my page, I do love looking at your shuttles
I've got you covered Sherry! Mine is in desperate need of updating. I get busy reading other blogs then don't have time to write in mine! How's that finger coming along? Still makes me cringe when I think about it!
Well, better a cow's tail than no tail at all! LOL What a great way to begin the new year; and, even if I AM the proud owner of a special shuttle of yours ~ can't have too many shuttles, right?
Just arrived back on the ridge from Civilization ~ 2 1/2 days of real places to eat, and A Michaels, too! Heaven! LOL
I'd like to begin the new year with one of your shuttles ~ who would not? "Course you are on my favoirtes list! How not?
X Bev
Oooh, I've admired your shuttles, and I would be soooo glad to win one!! I've had trouble displaying the blogs I follow, but I believe I have it fixed so you show up now!! I can't hardly wait for January 15th! And if I don't win I might have to console myself with buying one....
Oh! I just did a post on my blog about your fabulous giveaway! Goody GUMDROPS! I hope I win and I don't care how corny I sound, LOL! ;) Okay, maybe I do...LOL!
Why does my word verification say "forky"!?
WoW like said already, a totally COOL, AWESOME WONDERFUL giveaway. Would take a small miracle to win one of your beautiful shuttles!!! Thank you Sherry for doing this.
As for you blog link,,of course you are on my blog. Right there in my list of 'Tatting folks' I follow.
Thank you again.
I too have a link back to your page!! Woot!
I am still contemplating your return to the states so that I can get that thing we talked about. eheh.
ok, So I am going to try this - I haven’t taken part in any of the giveaway’s before this but what best to try it from YOUR's being my first… and I hope to win (Hint Hint!!!). lol…
I hope am not disqualified and you shuttles… hmmm what can I say about them – they are priceless!
Bonjour !
I hope it's not too late to take part in the the giveaway ?
I am a shuttle tatter from France. I also have a new tatting blog and I have now a link to your web site :) your products are amazing !
Hi Sherry, I have had the link for a while. It would be fantastic to win one of your shuttles. Thank you for the chance.
its such an awesome giveaway..you are in my blog roll..n happy to see mine linked here..so nice of u sherry..
aka CrazyKwilter...I have remedied that grave error on my part...LOL!
I can't miss this one. Of course you are already on my blog.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Thank you for the chance to win a shuttle. Now, if only some of your talent would rub off onto the shuttle and come my way. :)
wow, what a great giveaway. Your shuttles are so beautiful. There's a link to your blog in my sidebar. You know my blog isn't strictly tatting, but I do appreciate it, and I'm learning stuff and have even tatted gifts. I wish I was in your Korea class, I'd learn much faster :)
Hi want to get in line for the shuttle. Need help in getting the links right though, :)
Sherry, what a generous offer to "gift" someone a beautiful shuttle. Honestly, I hope it will be me but I'll celebrate whomever is the lucky winner of this gift. Thank you for helping a beginning blogger...Peace, Cynthia (Cynthia Tatsaway)
I did it! Thanks for the link to the video. I have wondered for ages how to do that. Here's hoping the lovely shuttle feels like some
warm weather and will fly south
to Australia! I'm never lucky, but
I have had a win learning something.
hey sherry, i've just re-started my blog, motivated by your fabulous giveaway. it's going to take some time for me to upload stuff and boy, i do HAVE my little passions to share... and of course, your blog's on my list!
best wishes,
I don't use BlogSpot, and I'm not sure if you can add me to your Blogroll, but I do have a blog. It's on the front page of my personal web site. xkytsunex.net I don't update as often as I should, but I added a link to your blog on the sidebar.
I want to join in the fun too...you are linked...check it out.
I put up a post on my blog telling about your give-away. What a NICE thing to do!
:) Linda
Just revisited tatting after a long hiatus! Surprisingly can still tat! Love to own a shuttle of yours! Thank you!
Hello Dear Shuttle Maker Lady, Tatting Chic sent me your way. I would LOVE one of your Lovely Tatting Shuttles. Maybe it would give me a magical ability to finally learn how to tat. VBG I am not my DH computer because apparently I broke my computer keyboard sooo as soon as I can I will put up your logo on my blog. Hugs Judy
Hellooooooooo I did it! :D with Michael's help I must admit, I have the ring of tatters link on my blog site, visit www.tangerinedays.blogspot.com
I am so proud thank you Mike, I am now in the line up for those beautiful shuttles.!!!
Thanks for visiting my needle work blog but I left a link to your contest at another blog of mine:
in case you are wondering..... LOL!
Hello, I just found your blog and it is lovely. I have been a quilter and crocheter forever but am fairly new to knitting and just a baby to tatting. I like it all and plan on incorporating tatting into my quilting. I just like working with my hands. It is very soothing to me. I would love to have one of yours shuttles. Thanks for having this giveaway. I have put a link to your blog on my blog and will put you in the blogs I follow to keep track of you...Happy Holidays. Linda
I will put a link to your blog.I would love to learn how to tatt.My mother always talked about her grandmother tatting.I have always wanted to learn myself but never knew wher to start.I taught my self how to knit and crochet maybe I can find a how to for tatting.
Great giveaway and so generous of you!!! I love tatting...have never tried it, but my grandmother left me some of her tatted things...treasures!
Hope I win!!! It might motivate me to try!
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
What a fantastic idea for a giveaway, some lucky tatter will have a happy holiday in January, too! And this got me back in my blog which I hadn't used for some time. Thanks so much for your generosity.
Diane Saunders, TIAS2, at www.lovetatting.com
I would love to enter too if it is possible.
I'm mostly a quilter, but I do love to tat too. Winning one of your shuttles would be so cool! Yes, I linked my page to yours :)
I do not have a blog but love reading yours. I have been tatting for about 40 years (self-taught). I have looked for antique and unusual shuttles for years. Yours sounds fabulous.
Please include me in your drawing.
Mary B
Dear Sherry,
I would love to be included in your drawing-you do such beautiful work. I've added you to my blog list, and I see that I am already on yours.
68 comments already....gosh....so I have started a blog list and you are the first to go on to it, so please, please (grovel, grovel!) include me in your draw!
I've only needle tatted - tried with one of those cheap department store shuttles and gave it up. Would love a a "real" one to try with. Here's a link to a blog post of a couple things I've done with a needle :)
I have tatted for 35 years now ever since a little old lady who lived in the Old Peoples Residential Home where my mum worked spent a wonderful misty October Half Term morning passing on her skills to me - I only pick up my shuttle occasionally now and then as I spend a lot of time quilting but I've never forgotten - it's just like riding a bike. Your ceramic shuttles are works of art
thank you for the wonderful opportunity to enter your competition. I am awed by your work! I was astounded to read you have 110 tatting blogs on your blogroll already. So many more tatters out there than I ever expected. I have the internet to thank for learning to tat!
Beautiful shuttles!!!
Hi Sherry! Hope you get feeling better soon.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
I love your threads and I would love one of your shuttles too!! I just started my blog today so it's VERY bare bones right now! http://christinescreations.wordpress.com/
Wowsers! I found the link to your blog on someone else's blog that was posting about this contest. You do beautiful work (both tatting and ceramics). Your clunies are gorgeous! I've put up a post linking to your blog...and I couldn't resist putting it in my blog reader (blog roll) as well. =)
I'd love a handmade shuttle! All I have are sad plastic ones....
Yeeks! How did I miss this?? Hope it's not to late to get in.
I would love to enter as well, please. I adore your HDT, and am now the proud owner of a skein of Royalty courtsey of Erin in the SS exchange - I'm so lucky.
Your blog is included in my blog list and as a link at www.trayna.blogspot.com
Thank you
Hi I new to the blog world but have really liked seeing all your beautiful shuttles. I'm a needle tatter but if I won I will learn to shuttle tat with your lovely shuttle. Thanks Kelly
Hey, Sherry,
I put you in my blogroll on my new blogger, too!
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