I almost let this one pass me up. Today makes four years of blogging about tatting and other stuff! A lot has happened since last year.
I always like to include some fun facts on my blogaversary, so here goes:
This year I have had approximately 37,000 unique visits to my blog which makes that an average of 101 visitors per day which is up from an average of 78 per day the previous year. This past year I have posted on average once every 5 days which is down from the previous year when I posted on average every 2 to 3 days.
Granted this past year I endured the world's worst pregnancy and these past 3 1/2 months I have been a sleep deprived new mom...so with that in mind I guess I have done OK.
Big smiles!
This time last year I was aware of 196 tatting blogs and this year I have 215 active tatting blogs in my blog roll....but I am sure there are even more that I am not yet aware of.
I am very encouraged by how the tatting community continues to grow in leaps and bounds and that pleases me to no end!
I would celebrate with a giveaway...but I am already giving away a shuttle on March 1st so I guess I will save the big celebration for my 5 year blogaversary next year.
Thank you everyone for sticking with me through thick and thin and always encouraging me to keep on keeping on! I love you all!

Four years! That means my four years is coming up in June. Thank you for all your encouragement over the past four years. Your shuttles, your threads, and your blog have been very important to my love of tatting. Happy blogaversary!
Congratulations on your 4th blogaversary, and yes you have done so well especially after what has been going on in your life over the last year or so.
Happy 4th Blogaversary!!
COngratulations, I love the way you have kept your figures, I should have done that as a recordaholic!
Your blog has always been so interesting, do keep it up.
Congrats on 4 years of blogging! Now that's an accomplishment. And you do awesome to post as much as you do with that cute little distraction you have.
Congratulations! I continue to enjoy following your blog. I love having one place to see what you are tatting, check out the latest things in your shop, and see how the little one is growing. Keep them coming.
Where would we all be without you! ♥
Congratulations on your BIG #4 milestone and thank you for your HUGE contribution to Tat-land!
Fox : )
Congratulations on reaching your 4the blogaversary. Its inspiring to read about your life and over comming challenges. Wishing you health, wealth, prosperity and family stability today and into the future.
Congratulations Sherry!! you have come out the other end of the tunnel, and found another one. Blessing and prayers on finding the end of this year's tunnel.
Yayyyyy! 4 years! Congratulations on your blogaversary.
Jane S.
Congratulations on reaching four years of blogging, Sherry! Love the statistics. I recently passed my second year. It's lots of fun.
congrats on your blogging anniversary! I didn't realize there were so many bloggers who tat - perhaps I should visit YOUR
blogroll ; )
enjoy the day
Always, Lelia
It's been great getting to share in your blog life, thank you!
Congratulations to you...
I have not started to tat as yet but I can't waait. So in the mean time I'm following all of you..
Congratulations, Sherry, on your four year Blogiversary! I have so enjoyed following and learned so much from you. You are a wonderful part of the Blogging World. Karen in OR
To find the time to keep up your blog when you have a new baby in the house is an achievement in itself! - congratulations, and thank you for the pleasure it has brought to the tatting community.
Congratulations on your 4th year! Lots to be happy about!
Happy 4th Blogversary, Sherry! Hope to see many more... You are doing great!
Happy 4th Blogaversary! Thank you for being a big part of my tatting world.
I am awarding you with a Stylish Bloger Award! For details on the award check out http://candmpence.blogspot.com/2011/02/stylish-blogger-award.html
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