Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tatting, Tatting, Tatting....

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Yes, tatting is what I have been up to, but I haven't been showing all my work because it is items for the "Artisan" phase of the T.A.T program.
I would, however, like to show the completed shuttle bag because it is so darn cute! Of course the ceramic shuttle is my own and the wood shuttle is one of Georgia Seitz's. This was a fun but tedious project.

I am trying to complete this portion of the program before I leave for Korea, so the pressure is on.


Marilee Rockley said...

The shuttle bag is indeed, "darn cute"! Is that a pattern that will go into your next book? I bet lots of people would want to try it.
Good luck with the T.A.T. program! I'm sure you are "wow-ing" them all!

LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

Thank you Marilee,
I cannot claim credit for this is one of the projects in the T.A.T program.

Melissa said...

That shuttle bag is great!!! The perfect thing to keep a shuttle in!

Tattycat said...

The bag may have been tedious, but it was worth it! You did great and it will surely be useful. Just right for holding any one of your precious shuttles! Do you have to finish before you go to Korea? I hate for you to be under such pressure.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Beautiful shuttles, beautiful bag... BEAUTIFUL!

Gina said...

I had trouble with this bag myself and had to email my mentor to clarify some points about the trim. I'm trying to remember where the pattern without the trim is...they offered it at Palmettos one year, but I believe it might be in someone's pattern book - I'm thinking Judy Banashek has it as an example of mignonette tatting.
:-) Gina