I entered all participants of my Random Monday Mondo Giveaway into an Excel spread sheet. Everyone was assigned a different number and those who were eligible for two entries were assigned two numbers. I then used a random number generator to randomly pick the winning numbers and this week's winner is Marty.
A big congrats to you dear Marty!
Stay tuned for there will be more Random Monday giveaways coming soon!

CONGRATULATIONS MARTY! And to everyone else be sure and look at Marty's blog for her latest fantastic creation. Sherry, my best to you three. You're in my prayers. Karen
Congrats to Marty for winning the books.
I hope you get to feeling better. There's alot of sickness going around. Hopefully it's just a 24 hour bug & not food posioning.
Holey Sox, Batman!! What an amazingly random happening. :) Thank you so much for your generosity. I will sacrifice a rubber chicken to random number generators. ;)
Sherry, you remain in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your feeling way better!
Hi Sherry, You must be doing the countdown to your delivery date. Sorry to hear you are so sick but the joy of the baby will erase these 9 months. Hang in there and take care of yourself.
Congrats to Marty who is hilarious in the comment today!
You - I am sending the biggest, warmest healing vibe that I can muster your way. I do hope things improve very soon and you get to feeling human again.
♥♥ Fox
Oh, I should have read this post before I wrote on the other one.
You had better get to the Doc.
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