Just a re-cap for anyone who is new to my blog. Picadilly (not real name) is now 23 weeks old in my womb. SHE, so far is healthy. I, on the other hand, have been experiencing the pregnancy from hell. I have been puking sick this whole time, unable to gain weight, experiencing migraines and in general just plain miserable.
But all of that has taken a back seat to the newest complications that have arisen. Last week I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix and a single umbilical artery (there are supposed to be two) and I have been having regular contractions since 17 weeks. Any one of these conditions alone put me at high risk for a pre-term delivery and wouldn't you know it, I am lucky enough to have a triple whammy!
So they put me on a medication that was supposed to (but did nothing to) stop the contractions but rather, was successful in creating a rash from my neck to my knees. It was so uncomfortable that I couldn't even wear clothes and sleeping was difficult since I couldn't stand anything touching my skin.
I have been on bed rest until yesterday when I went in for a follow up ultrasound on my cervix. While there was a slight improvement in my cervical length (but not enough to breathe a sigh of relief) we have not been able to stop the contractions. They decided to hook me up to the monitors and time my contractions which turned out to be about two minutes apart. That sent me straight over to Labor and Delivery Triage where I spent all day hooked up to machines, getting shots and several other forms of new medication and unpleasant procedures.
To make a long story short, I am currently back home and back on bed rest and bored out of my mind! I am being monitored closely and am trying a new medication to see if that will arrest the contractions. They took my sweet OBGYN away and assigned me full time to the high-risk fetal medicine division and a new team of experts.
I have been so tired and so stressed out for so long that I have nothing left, I am totally spent. I am just taking life day by day with my new focus of trying to keep this baby "cooking" for as long as possible.
Today was supposed to be our first day of vacation. Hubby and I have been waiting so long for time off from our stressfull situation. We were to visit family, have a family baby shower for Picadilly and travel around mountain biking and enjoying the great Pacific Northwest. Obviously, all that is down the drain. I feel so bad for DH...he needs a break so bad and now he is just worrying about us! Of course we are super bummed but we know baby is the most important of all. I am sad that I won't be getting a baby shower...maybe after baby is born...oh well!
On the bright side of things, being high risk such as I am, I get to have an ultrasound every week which means I get to see my little Picadilly. Yesterday she was picking her nose (takes after her daddy) and rubbing her eye as you can see in the photo above.

Picking her nose or not, she is still very lovely! Her picture is priceless & so is she. I know this time is hard on you & your wonderful husband. But like you said maybe after she is born you can have your shower & go on a vaction. Bikes can be set up so baby can go along too. Then she could make it even more of an adventure for all of you. Wouldn't that be wonderful to do? You all are in my prayers.
Oh honey. Being a mommy is a lot of work even from the very start! But one day this will be a vague memory when you are holding your wee one. Hang in there. Stay or get encouraged. Be working on dainty pretties for your baby and dreaming of when you get to hold her in your arms. I think baby showers are more fun after the baby is born. You get to show her off! And everyone gets to oooooh and aaaaaaah over her. Thanks for the update. Praying for you all.
How precious is Your
lovingkindness, O God!
Therefore the children of men
put their trust under the
shadow of Your wings.
For with You is the
fountain of life;
In Your light we see light.
Psalm 36:7,9a
Praying for you...Who better to provide for your needs than the Eternal, the Source of all life?
Hang in there. I DO know how miserable and bored you are. Maybe a little tatting to occupy your mind.... Or a book or two. I can send you some if you'd like...
Miss Picadilly is darling.
Thank you for sharing the scan of your beautiful daughter. I hope the bedrest works for you. Good wishes heading your way as usual.
Rest, rest, rest! Take a few mind excursions to battle the boredom -- take your DH along with you on a few. Above all else, keep a positive thought. I'm sending you good vibrations...
After your baby is born, you will be wishing you could rest! - but it is a horrible situation for you just now.
The most important thing you can do just now it to trust your doctors - they know what they're doing!
And afterwards, you can sling bub on your back and go on your bicycle trip.
Love the profile! Hang in there! Sending the best thoughts and wishes y9ur way, every day.
Fox : )
i love ultra sounds
I don't know what to say that hasn't been said already by the previous comments.
But I am thinking of you and wishing very much that everything will turn out right and that you will have a beautiful girl who is going to give you much pleasure after all that you are going through now.
Bless your heart. It's hard but hang in there. Many people are praying for you and family.
Sending you and Piccadilly blessings and saying a prayer for you both.
So sorry to hear of what you are going through. Am sending good wishes your way.
Take care, think positive and have lots of rest :)
Thinking of you and your little family daily. Every time I get online I check your blog, hoping for news of you and baby. And being the good soul that you are, you always find a positive to report. Seeing that precious baby every week is something wonderful to look forward to. Soon you will have her in your arms and won't be able to stop looking at her. Hang in there, Sherry, and know that we are all thinking of you and praying for your strength and health.
you have the right idea...One Day At A Time
Many are praying for your little family...
Take care dear one!
love Grammers
Just know I`m thinking about you!!!
Oh, they caught such a precious moment with your ultrasound! Thank you for sharing her image with us. It sounds like you are both in the care of a great medical team. Are you up to tatting for Picadilly? She is sure to need it everywhere. ;)
I am so glad to hear your little girl is healthy, dispite all that has been happening to you. I can sympathize. I'm on bedrest too, and I'm also suffering from bored out of my mind syndrome. I send hugs and good thoughts and wishes your way, Sherry.
Just want you to know all updates are eagerly awaited and appreciated. Your courage and spirit are so impressive. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.
Hang in there - it will all be worth it in the end ;)
I am thinking of you, hang in there:)
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