Wednesday, July 22, 2009

GEEZ Louise!

Right then!

I hadn't realized so much time has passed since my last post. My household items FINALLY arrived this past Friday which means I have frantically been trying to unpack and settle in. Why frantically? Would you believe I am expecting family to visit any day now? I am up to my armpits in boxes...(truthfully the pile is actually over my head). Anyhow, I am looking around and I realize being settled in this week is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN; especially with this 105-110 degree heat we are having... and have I failed to mention that I have a terrible case of bronchitis???

OH mercy me!

My hubby is home for a few days and I am sooooo happy to have him. This being apart all the time is killing me. I mean seriously why the heck did I get married in the first place if I never get to see hubby. It's like I have all the responsibilities of being married but none of the privileges..LOL!

Hubs is my best friend in all the world and we have made it 13 years together so I suppose I could hang on a little longer.

I wish I had some tatting to share...but current circumstances have put the stopper on any of my creative activities for awhile.

Even with all of these troubles, I am still so very happy and thankful to be home. I love my home...I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!!

I will be even happier when I get settled in and get my pottery studio running. Until then, I apologize for the lack of posties here.


Kathy Niklewicz said...

Hi Sherry!

You sure have a crazy life! I can empathize with the 'boxes' thing. We're 'de-cluttering' and I'm also redoing my craft room (for the umpteenth time). I can't even see the floor in there! And the rest of the house is also in a state of confusion as we sort through ALL our stuff, accumulated over 45 years (where did the time go?).

Don't worry about the boxes, your family is just happy you're home - and hubby, too.

I'm so glad you ARE back 'home' (great job on that floor!) but wish you could enjoy longer stretches of good health! One thing after another - but it seems your neck is better!

Can't believe you're having such hot weather! Is that 'normal'? I'd really be wilting!

I got quite a chuckle out of your 'lost kitty' story. What a character!

Always look forward to your posts.

Ladytats said...

wonderful, getting your household goods and your hubby what a week even if you are sick.
enjoy the moment.
Hope you feel better soon.

Valerie said...

no apologies needed, sherry. oh you poor dear, please do take good care of your health. with this dreadful h1n1 epidermic going around, you really gotta be vigilant. glad you are happy and at home. :)

Krystle said...

My heart goes out for you darling. I'm fortuanate to have a wonderful hubby whom I love and I couldn't imagine being apart. My sister is in the same position you are, she got shipped off to texas with her man, then they shipped him off to Iraq to run convoys. Yum.